Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dad is doing great right now. He has not taken any pain meds since yesterday afternoon, and he's entertaining going to work for a little while tomorrow. For those of you on his email distribution, you know this means......clear out your inbox b/c he's got FOUR days worth of emails to catch up on and forward! By lunch time tomorrow, we will all be caught up on the latest uses for dryer sheets, Coca-cola, and WD-40. We will learn the "real" story behind our current President....AND.....we will be privilege to some of the funniest videos of some of God's cutest animals. Yes, my email friends, my Yahoo inbox will be fulfilled once again. It's been a little empty in there, and I welcome the business!

In college I had the opportunity to wait tables and tend bar. It was one of the greatest jobs I ever had. I learned a lot about dealing with all kinds of people. I also learned that not everyone understood the concept of tipping. Only receiving an hourly rate of $2.19, earning adequate tips to compensate for the tax pay out was important. Back then, I learned to truly appreciate exactly what "15%" meant. I was thrilled with 15%. I was pleased with 15%. I find myself tonight being, once again, willing to be appreciative, thrilled and pleased with 15%. There is a 15% chance that this "mass" is absolutely benign, and when I take that perspective, 15% sounds pretty darn good to me. We pray that the path report we receive tomorrow shares this very news. I know Mom and Dad share no desire to make that call tomorrow, and they've said as much.  I will make the call. The anxiety is overwhelming. The fear is paralyzing. You shake dialing the phone. Your heart pounds in your ears so loudly that you have to turn the volume up on your phone. Your voice crackles just talking to the other person on the phone. You try not to cry. What do you say? "Hey, ummm, I'm calling to see what...umm. I'm calling to see if I have....ummm....." You simply hope that the person answering can take over the conversation for you. This was my experience in 2010. I can relate to what my dad is going through.  Two years ago tomorrow, I underwent my first surgery to remove breast cancer. Funny how life times things. 

Tonight I am happy that Dad has a Ravens game to "coach from the couch." Tomorrow I am happy he is going to work. It's amazing how important these little distractions become. 

To all, keep Dad in your prayers. Pray for that 15%. If that 15% is not God's will, pray for the inner strength our family will need to work through the next part of this process. 

Love to all.....Jen

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    It has been encouraging to follow the progress this week. Brandi and are praying for that 15%! Keep the news coming and we will pray for good news next Friday.
