Sunday, March 9, 2014

From Medical ICU to Normal WBC in 7 days!

It's amazing the progress that Dad has made in 7 days!!! A week ago Dad had been flown from Hagerstown to Baltimore and admitted to ICU. He was diagnosed with his 5th septic (yes, FIVE!) infection, since diagnosis in September 2012.

He was moved out of ICU on Monday and it was also at that time that intervention radiologists placed a drain through his side into his liver to drain the infections. Yes, this is the SAME procedure that had been done in December, and it does involve quite a bit of pain. So yeah, Percocet is back on the scene. 

The same three bugs that were having a party on his liver in December returned for an encore: klebsiella, entercoccus, and enterobacter. These are all bacteria that are naturally occurring in our gut, and every time Dad has a new stent placed, they take over. On Thursday, another CT scan was performed, and 2 more abscesses were observed. Sooooo.....2 more drains were placed into Dad's side yesterday. Yes....1 drain + 2 drains = 3 drains coming out of his side.....all filling up with pus. He's like a Christmas tree with various ornaments...:) 

Some good news reported today was that Dad's white blood cell count (WBC) is normal, AND he walked a lap around the hospital floor! This is great news b/c it appears that we are starting to get the infection controlled. I can't help but wonder if the "under-age contraband" that was smuggled in last night may have been the best meds yet.....and as much as most of you think I'm talking about BEER, I'm actually referring to 3 grandchildren! No one under the age of 18 is be in the rooms, but the nurses did bend for us a little. It was good all the way around. to smuggle in the felines............

I am amazed at the improvements in Dad's health in such a short time, and it is without a doubt a response to the many, many prayers surrounding my family. Please continue to keep us all in your thoughts and your prayers. Some of you have expressed an interest in visiting with Dad for a bit, and regardless of what Dad says, please consider doing so. It really does do him well to chatter about politics and sports with someone other than the same faces he sees most of the time. 

More news.....just in from my sister who is in Baltimore now.....Dad reported feeling stronger today than he has in a while. Woo-hoo! 

Much love to all. Good night, everyone....................Jen

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