So after our "high" on Friday and a couple of days with Dad's pain being only a "3," he's now hit a low point. He's not well. At Dad's request, Mom called me late Monday night to tell me that Dad was experiencing significant pain in his abdomen, chills, nausea.....and just feeling very icky. I just don't think they knew what to do--go to an ER, or not? Is this something to be scared or worried about, or not? I slept in my clothes in the event they called me in the middle of the night and needed to meet them at the hospital. Thankfully, the pain got better with a little help from his friend "Polly Percocet", and by morning, the pain was a bit more tolerable. I think Dad's going through a bout of pancreatitis right now, which is extraordinarily painful. Dr. Darwin said this was a possibility after the biopsy procedure. The symptoms were dead on and there's really nothing to do but become best buddies with the Percocet and lay around and REST........
.......and therein lies the problem!
Folks, we have a naughty patient on our hands. He's NOT resting! After getting home late Friday night, Dad got up Saturday morning to mow the grass in the yard and, I do believe, at their river lot. Then he carried heavy bags of solar salt to the basement and dumped them into the water softener. There was also a shopping trip to Sam's Club in there somewhere. Gee, the next thing you know, he'll be climbing trees with running chainsaws to cut the tops out (For those of you who know THAT story, you know what I'm talking about here!). Oh so then, off to work he goes Monday, Tuesday, and today!!!! The man is in excruciating pain and just will not let up. However, lest we not forget to mention his mother. She's driving him to work b/c he can't drive b/c he's on Percocet!!! Houston, we have a problem here! Hello!!!!'s tough raising parents these days. They really should be grounded.
From my previous blog, readers know that a big team of docs were putting their white coats together yesterday to firm up their game plan for Dad. The big question was what to do first---surgery or radiation/chemo? Dr. Alexander is going to perform the Whipple first. Yay! Pre-Op with the anesthesiologist is the 17th with surgery on the 22nd, all in Baltimore. Dad will be in the hospital for about a week. Based upon what Dad's going through right now, that surgery couldn't come any sooner! It's going to be a looooong 10 days if his symptoms do not improve.
Continue to keep Dad in your prayers and positive thoughts. Pray not only that his pain alleviate, but also pray that he comes into some common sense in the near future (now would be good), and learns to leave these chores at home and at work for others to do. He needs to assume horizontal membership on the couch and remain there. It really is what he needs to do in order to get himself "in shape" for this upcoming major surgery. It's like he needs to prepare for his own personal Super Bowl, and he's simply too stubborn to show up for his own conditioning!
Thanks everyone! Much love to all and goodnight.....Jen
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